
Malinyay t1_iyf2lws wrote

She doesn't say the videos were with multiple people anywhere. She says they were all made about 1,5 years ago. And yes it could still happen to me. I could think, o I'll delete those tomorrow or the thought that I had put other videos in that folder may never even strike me even though it should, I'm a real scatterbrain, maybe op is too.


Malinyay t1_iyf0vk4 wrote

I get you OP! if I had videos like that I could definitely forget about them. I can forget pretty much everything.

I had a tie in my underwear drawer when my now husband came to visit for the first time. It was supposed to be a gift to my ex from my little sister (like 12 years old at the time) she gave it to me and I just put it away and forgot about it. that happened like 3 years before I even met my husband. Opened the drawer 1000 times after that without even noticing. But my husband found it instantly when he looked in the drawer and thought... I dunno, that I was secretly longing for my ex, saving little mementos or whatever.

Could have ended the relationship, I had no way to prove that it was how I said. Now that he knows me he also knows that I could definitely do something like that.

Is your relationship worth fighting for though? He sounds really lame? And if you don't want to have sex in 4 days that early in the relationship I'm not sure you're that into him unless you want even less sex later in the relationship.