
MammothAd1266 t1_iuhm3sn wrote

Yes, that would be different. addiction is extremely damaging and can manifest in ways which are dangerous to the people around them.Whilst I firmly believe addicts need support and not isolation, I can see why someone would be cautious about being around them.That's very different to 'I don't like the fact they post pictures of themselves online'

I think you should go. It's one evening and will make your partner happy. Express any boundaries if she makes you uncomfortable and if she continues to do so, tell your boyfriend. Personally, I wouldn't continue to be friends with someone who intentionally broke my partner's boundaries. It's so disrespectful and it shows you what type of person they are.

I think you're being immature for not giving her a chance but he would being immature if he bruses off the fact she broke your boundaries


MammothAd1266 t1_iuhimvs wrote

It sounds like you've already made up your mind that you don't like her which is ridicolous.

It's one evening, there will be other people there so it's not like you'll only be talking with her. it's for your boyfriend. sometimes, in relationships, you have to make compromises and do things you don't want because you know it makes your partner happy.


MammothAd1266 t1_iuhgclx wrote

yes, you do have that right. But I can't say if it's a healthy boundary if I don't know why. For example if it's because they are violent, that's fair enough. if it's because they like a different genre of music, i'd say grow up.

The touch I get but the others, I don't see why it's a big deal. just don't follow her and you won't see them. I'd meet them but if she does get touchy feely, set boundaries. Intentionally aoviding her is going to be awkward and difficult. no one says you have to be best friends, but meeting her and being civil won't hurt you/