
MammothTankDriver t1_jd6bgmc wrote

Good thought. Many scientists have already thought about it. Its called terraforming.

Mars has many problems thst need to be solved for humans to live there.

  1. Atmosphere. Somehow, you need oxygen, and filler gas nitrogen and some carbon there. You can get these vis comets in theory but we dont even have a way to control comets or steer them into mars.

  2. Soil. Mars has no soil. The ground in mars is self sterilizing. Its toxic to bacteria and plants. We would need to remove or change the surface. Also bring soil from earth. The dust is also sharp. You dont want to breathe in that or you are dead.

  3. Magnetosphere. No protection from cosmic rays. In theory a thick atmosphere would protect people. But scientists are not 100% sure about this one.

  4. Gravity. Gravity on mars is pretty bad. It might not be possible for humans to live with such low gravity.

5.Time. Terrsforming mars could take thousands if not millions of years. Its not worth it imho.

In my opinion, it would be smarter to use geo engineering or space mirrors to decrease sunlight hitting earth. This could solve our problem with the sun for billions of years and extend earths life until the red giant phase of the sun.

In the red gisnt phase, in theory, we could extend the orbit of earth away from the sun toeards jupiter.

But after that, just a bit of shade would solve the red gisnt phase of the sun aswell.

But we wouldnt have a way to prevent the death of the sun. But in theory, removing helium from the sun could extend its life.

But who knows. I enjoy discussions about space.


MammothTankDriver t1_jbkoqc9 wrote

Calling america an empire is wrong.

Clasical empires worked differently. All issues nowadays are the cause of capitalism combined with geopolitical meddling and Standards of livimf and wars.

America is in decline for no related reason compared to the roman empire.

Most people complain about the cost of living. Thats an issue even in russia and china.

Crime? Also present elsewhere.

Nationalism? Also present in china and russia.

Its not the america just in decline but the world economy. Capitalism is in decline.

The roman empire fell because of extreme issues and threats both within and externally. Not because owning slaves or some demographic issue.


MammothTankDriver t1_jbkmuc2 wrote

Trans people being outlawed is nothing. 0.0002 of the population is nothing. 20-30 years sgo, it was taboo to be gay.

A country turning a bit conservative is not the end of the country.

The USA is a republic. I dont think they ever listened to the people. The people, especially in the US, are very dumb and uneducated.

Fsr right movements have always been a thing. I remember hoe things were in 2008 and before.

I heard about stormfront much earlier. The things are getting worse bullshit in the west prpves that democracy is a waste of time.

Its better to treat people like dumb sheep like china does and steamroll via police brute force.

The chinese arent pessimistic about the future at all. Turns out banning doomer posting works.


MammothTankDriver t1_jbkkq8o wrote

Canada would collapse along with the US ina societ style collaose.

Remember, when the soviet union collapsed, it generated wars along its borders and allies. But the US collapsing would be a short livrd matter. A country with a storng military can stabilize quickly.

The US military could eleminate destablizing figures if ghey wanted to,like they did during Obamas presidency with muslim/arab americans in the middle east.


MammothTankDriver t1_jbkjfpn wrote

I would say Vietnam, Thailand. In europe, Switzerland, Austria. America itself would be safe because the civil war talk is just insanity. The federal goverment is strong enough to survive anything domestically. Even state goverments there are good enoigh for that. But in case of a coup de etat, eith the militsry being involved, it eould be a short aventure for the coup people.

Also, the demographics of russia and china are hugely overblown to be negative. A demographic issue can be solved by migrant workers or debt.

Japan choose debt. Some western countries chose migrants.

Russia is also attractive as a place to migrate to. All russia needs to do is liberalize the admission process. But most conservstive places want to avoid migrants, due to nationalist sentiments.

Dont be too negative on the future. The world has neen on the brink of the apocalypse since Christ. Its also quite odd for this subreddit to have doomers.