
Maninhartsford t1_je7go52 wrote

Through the 80s at least! There's a fantastic episode of the 80s twilight zone by George RR Martin that has a lot of moments land strangely now because of how they're using the word as a medical term. The infamous quantum leap reveal also comes to mind. Though I'm sure the word was already being used as an insult at the time, there simply wasn't another word for it.


Maninhartsford t1_je688dc wrote

I think most people understand that older shows are going to have some morally disagreeable content without throwing away the baby with the bathwater. That someone can hear a homophobic or racist joke without instantly turning homophobic or racist. But that's not inflammatory and argument inducing so "I'm so moral because I decry Friends is problematic" is what we mostly end up seeing online


Maninhartsford t1_jbv8lat wrote

That's it though. That's all anyone has said about it. I really don't want to come across like I'm defending Whedon but he was mean and nasty to a lot of people on his set and that might be all that quote means. Interpreting it as inappropriate sex stuff is entirely extrapolation. Just because you can think of a worst case scenario doesn't make it so. Again! This is not "Whedon was a good guy." This is "that's a really big accusation to pull out of one out of context quote."

Edit - to be completely clear, I was aware he was not allowed alone with Trachtenberg. I just find it troubling that people automatically assume the reason why was sexual abuse, to the point where OP was stating it as fact. It's jumping to conclusions. While there is much documentation on how emotionally abusive he was to the "out group" on his sets, which included Trachtenberg, nobody has ever actually accused him of assault, so people are legitimately just looking at that one quote and assuming the worst. There's so many reasons to dislike the guy, we don't need to start making them up.


Maninhartsford t1_jasooit wrote

Sleepy Hollow had already been meandering and pointless for a lot of the second season, but then there was an episode where they just full on ended the ongoing storyline. The next episode was basically the characters going "what do we do now?" the rest of the season was MOTW episodes not connected to anything, and after all that, which was pretty clearly the network stepping in after all the meandering, they fired the showrunner, season 3 was like a bad USA show, and in 4 one of the leads left and it wasn't even set in Sleepy Hollow anymore. Oh, and there was a Bones crossover. So yeah, that's my answer - wrapping up the main conflict 11ish episodes into season 2.


Maninhartsford t1_jadghp4 wrote

Yeah, to me it's just kind of your standard expensive show with high production value and good actors propping up a lacking script. Not that good, not that bad, frustrating at times, with the occasional cool moment or cheesy trope. I wouldn't exactly recommend it and I don't see myself making it to season 5 if it doesn't get a little more interesting, but people act like it's My Mother The Car


Maninhartsford t1_jaaggmn wrote

The advertising was so bad! I have the show on DVD and in the commentary, the creators say NBC was really supportive of the biblical angle while they were making it but we're scared to advertise it that way so I remember the ads were like "from a producer of Heroes" (which was in season 3 and crashing and burning like nothing else) and a bunch of random imagery of butterflies and flags.

Interestingly, it was one of the more expensive shows made at the time, with a FOUR MILLION per episode budget! (laughably low now, of course.)

By the way, the same writer/director team are working on a Bioshock show