
Manoreded t1_jdt4ufr wrote

People want to discuss things and make references, though. That would be very difficult if people were always wary of bringing anything up from a game/movie no matter how old the thing was.

I think observing a "grace period" before spoilers are allowed is the best compromise, although its not as if we all agree on what that period should be.


Manoreded t1_jdk4xyh wrote

Multiplayer has never really worked well any of the times I tried.

Singleplayer is pretty solid, the "jank" is mostly on things that don't matter that much, like how rough terrain is strangely "slippery". You eventually learn to beware of rough terrain edges and specially things like walking on branches or roots, which is something the games like to make you do a lot despite the engine not being a fan.