
MarlonBrandoRules t1_iyafdt5 wrote

I think you’re the one who doesn’t understand. People who are anti war are almost always, against pointless wars and ones that are fought for power or money. Notice how the heavily protested wars are against the ones that were unjust, like Vietnam and Iraq. They opposed them because the US had no right to get involved in Vietnam at all, and Iraq was a completely unjust invasion.

Notice how people didn’t protest fighting the Axis in WW2?


MarlonBrandoRules t1_iya7xn9 wrote

I hate to break it to you, but no counter culture is not supporting government institutions. And Republican’s are the exact opposite of counter culture, supporting the capitalist status quo.

Young people today are not supporting the system, they’re advocating for a new one. They are growing more and more anti-capitalist