
Marrsvolta t1_jdsripw wrote

They are trying to say this is to prevent the cost of housing going up but it will do the exact opposite. Out of town college kids who come from money will be able to afford being spread out. This will make a shortage of apartments for those who grew up here and have seen rent triple over the last 10 years. Whoever is pushing this is either an idiot or got the idea from one of those student housing companies that have been taking over Providence.


Marrsvolta t1_jbl7684 wrote

I hate to break it to you, but Providence is one of the most expensive places to live in New England, highly doubtful it's cheaper than where you are.

But yeah, you will meet people here. 24 is a good age to be in Prov.


Marrsvolta t1_iy9u05l wrote

No 26 year old, especially one who has a child and was married in the past, should be getting 17 year old girls numbers. What a creep. You should tell your mom.


Marrsvolta t1_iwdggfs wrote

Tell her it's a scam and call your credit card company to send you a new card with a new number just in case.

Technically it is a scam, but she doesn't need to know all the details.