
MarsGirl24 t1_iz9plbe wrote

Reply to comment by sandybananas in Pupper in need by JacquesMouse

The only finances needed to ethically own a pet are the funds for its basic needs (including basic medical care) and the funds to put it down if it gets very hurt or sick.

You belong to the New Hampshire subreddit, so you’re not living in some fictional commune which has somehow created a 100% vegan life. Even if you personally haven’t inflicted harm on any animal in your lifetime, you still benefit from livestock raised and animal products sold within our economy. It’s a dog, and just like cows, horses, pigs, and many other animals it serves a purpose. Similar to how there are more and less ethical ways to raise, for example, laying hens, there are more and less ethical ways to raise pets.

This dog is miserable and because it doesn’t understand and can’t consent to extensive and painful medical treatments, those medical treatments are the equivalent of abuse. Sorry if that makes you sad but it’s the truth.


MarsGirl24 t1_iz81yeq wrote

Ok unpopular opinion, but it’s a dog. I too love animals and spoil my pets too much like the rest of my generation, but seriously? If a dog is in this much pain it doesn’t understand that it’s going to get better or that it’s being helped. This dog should be shown mercy and put down.


MarsGirl24 t1_ivfhsxp wrote

First, I’d pay off my sister’s student loans and probably buy her a house.

For myself I’d buy an island on winnisquam, but not a nice one a really small one with nothing/an abandoned structure. I’d make it only comfortable enough to house one person and I wouldn’t build a dock or anything. Whenever I wanted to be alone I would have the perfect place.

I’d make sure to donate a lot to the loon sanctuary before using the rest to give my enemies an ego check, in whatever way seems most opportune in the moment.