
MartialBob t1_ix6j3rh wrote

Pennsylvania is an at will employment state. That means if you do not have an employment contract or in a union you can be fired for whatever reason they want. Hypothetically, you can sue your employer for wrongful termination if the circumstance is truly egregious but lawyers cost money so it's not worth the time for most normal people.

So long as you're paid time and a half past 40 hours to your employer can demand you to stay for 12 hours. I've heard 16 but I'm not sure about that.


MartialBob t1_is2ugs0 wrote

As a former health care worker I am not surprised at all. The state places some pretty specific rules about patient care; how you lift, transport, interact with and so on. Even the good facilities have staff that bend and break the rules on a regular basis. You get good at lying when something goes wrong.

When you add in people are convicts and that do not have family on site to advocate for them you get a recipe for rampant abuse.