
MaryDellamorte t1_jdjl0cr wrote

I rent from Legend too and just renewed my lease. My rent went from $1189 to $1299. A pretty significant jump. And they don’t allow you to renew for two years anymore, just one. I’ve rented from them for 9 years and this is the first time my rent jumped more than 4% and haven’t allowed 2 year renewals.


MaryDellamorte t1_j8yktoo wrote

I really wish one of these people would approach me. I would just say the most unhinged shit and make them feel so uncomfortable. Nothing threatening, just stuff to make them question my sanity and make them NOT want to recruit me.


MaryDellamorte t1_iw5e1fa wrote

Even if a pedestrian has the right of way, Virginia has something called contributory negligence.

Contributory Negligence:

“Under Virginia negligence laws, if an injured person is found to have contributed to the accident or injury in any way, no matter how minor, you don't have a case. It's a very harsh rule that still applies in the Commonwealth. Some states follow a more enlightened version of the fault law called "comparative negligence." Alas, Virginia still chooses what is known as the "pure contributory negligence rule." That means the other person has to be 100 percent at fault or you can't collect any monetary damages.”

A pedestrian carelessly stepping in front of a car at an intersection, even if the pedestrian has the right of way, would fall under contributory negligence.