
Masshole1981 t1_j1uzjyl wrote

In Massachusetts in order to qualify for special education you have to have a diagnosed disability. There are several different disability categories. For something like Autism that would come from a doctor. But things like a developmental delay or specific learning issues would usually come from an evaluation that is done by the school district.

If you think your child has a disability you need to contact the special education office in your district and request an evaluation.


Masshole1981 t1_j1ut00t wrote

Kindergarten is mandated by the state. So each district has to offer kindergarten free to all residents. It’s essentially the first year of “public school”. You don’t have to apply to get into kindergarten. You just have to register for it. You can’t get denied from kindergarten and it’s totally free.

For preschool, it gets a little trickier. For public preschools you can apply for a spot and if they have one open you get it. If they don’t, then you’re out of luck. The only exception is if your child is a special education student. Each district is mandated to provide services for kids 3+.

For head start you have to meet the federal poverty line, which i believe is less than $25K a year. If you make below that you qualify. If you make too much $$ you don’t.

Private preschools are totally different. You have to pay no matter what.


Masshole1981 t1_j1urck1 wrote

What town are you in and how old is your child? Kindergarten doesn’t start until age 5, so if your child is younger than that you’ll need to look at preschool. Head Start is preschool for kids ages 3-5 and it’s free if your qualify under federal low income guidelines. If you don’t qualify there still are options. Some towns will offer preschool free or with a fee. Then there are also private pay preschools. Lots of options for you


Masshole1981 t1_j1hzmkz wrote

Massachusetts has the second oldest average home age in the country. By home, that includes townhouses, apartments, etc. To find what you’re looking for you need to chill out on the pre 1978 lead paint issue. As long as the paint isn’t peeling, chipping, etc and is in good shape and sealed, there’s no danger. The lead paint in these older homes are buried under layer after layer of new paint. Just make sure your kid isn’t licking the walls and you’re fine.