
Matasferret t1_j5bh1zj wrote

Honestly I did come off as rude, I wouldn’t harp on somebody buying something used, like I go thrift shopping all the time. But that keyboard just gave me bad vibes like it came from a Cheeto gamer that scratches his sack and alt f4s every losing game. I get buying a used board or keycaps, BUT NOT THAT. Feel like if u flipped it upside down a bunch of fingernails would fall out.


Matasferret t1_j5bfqu3 wrote

Idk my local microcenter has great clearance deals on some of their older keyboards. Only reason I said it cause I was there recently and saw them. I got some Astro a50s for 80 bucks cause it’s an ugly color way lol. ($250 value)
