
Matrix17 t1_jdjfvml wrote

The only issue with that approach is long covid is still a thing even in mild cases, and we still don't know enough about how it's caused or the best way to treat it

You can end up with similar issues with any respiratory virus, but covid is unique in that it happens more frequently, is more severe, and covid itself spreads more than the cold, flu, or other common respiratory viruses


Matrix17 t1_jdj64rx wrote

> viruses tend to become less lethal and more contagious

This is not always true. Remember, there has to be some sort of evolutionary selection for it. As an example, the reason delta even became a thing, which was more deadly than the original strain, is because covid was spreading before people had symptoms. So it didn't matter if it killed the host or not, because they likely spread it before they even knew they had it. So there was no selective pressure for it to become less deadly. If covid had only spread after someone was symptomatic, it may not have turned into a pandemic at all

We just got lucky that the omicron mutation happened. If delta was still circulating, we would be in a very bad spot


Matrix17 t1_iuk6uzv wrote

It's a nice thing, but their salary limits to quality are horseshit. It's straight across the board in the US. So if the cutoff is $70k and you live in the Bay Area where salaries are generally higher, you're fucked because you "make too much" even though that salary is barely enough to get by there

But live in the middle of nowhere Alabama? You're good even if you make below that and save a shit ton of money because the cost of living is low