
MaurySline22 t1_j9sdolj wrote

In 1992, I was flying out to college in LA and boarded a United flight in Chicago. As I walked down the aisle and approached my seat, I noticed the two people sitting in the row behind me were Adam Sandler and David Spade. Even though this was in their heyday at SNL, they were in coach and I assume connecting through O'Hare on way to LAX. As I got to my seat, being a starstruck SNL fan in my youth, I mouthed, but audibly, "No Way!" And Adam looked at me and in his funny voice said, "Oh, Yes way!." Anyway, I ended up talking with the (mostly Adam) for most of the flight about college my summer internship and other stuff, and when there was a lull, I heard Adam from behind say my name from behind in his grandma voice ask, "What are you reading?" The part that I remember most was when, thinking they might be interested, I told them that Dana Carvey had just released a movie filmed in my hometown called "Opportunity Knocks" that bombed. This was just after Carvey left SNL to pursue a movie career. After a few seconds of silence, David Spade rolled his eyes and said in his most sardonic tone "Yeah, and nobody answered" straight out of a Hollywood Minute sketch or Tommy Boy. Very ironic since now they are teamed up doing the Fly On The Wall podcast. They were the most true versions of what you see on screen. Afterwards, I ended up getting my bags with Sandler and introduced him to my roommate at curbside who had come to pick me up and he was gracious beyond any expectation. Nicest guy in the world and accurate as to everything I've heard about him since.