
MaybeDressageQueen t1_j7q2250 wrote

The Auditor General came in a few years ago to clean house. People were fired, some had charges pursued against them, and in ‘22 the AG declared that the audit was finished.

So they got rid of a lot of the obvious crooks, but they didn’t do anything about the incompetence that is rampant in that district. Speaking as someone who contracts services to the district, it’s still a mess. They went from being barely concealed crooks to being obsessed with cost cutting and savings, but did nothing to address the actual educational, security, or behavioral problems that are running wild in the district.


MaybeDressageQueen t1_iqqxg67 wrote

You could come to Lancaster. The Renaissance Fair is having events every weekend (get advanced tickets, they can sell out). Great way to spend a Fall day. Our friend group does the Oregon Dairy Corn Maize every year. Its a blast to do in the dark with flashlights. And there’s a lot of general shopping, restaurants, and city stuff to do in Lancaster.