
MazenAmria OP t1_izrgk9j wrote

I'm already using a pretrained model as the teacher model. But the distillation part itself has nearly the cost of training a model. I'm not insisting but I feel like I'm doing something wrong and needed some advices (note that I've only had theoritical experience in such areas of research, this is the first time I'm doing it practically).

Thanks for you comments. gif


MazenAmria OP t1_izon556 wrote

> I would expect it to perform more similarly to the full SWIN model on citar-10 because less data complexity.

And that's the problem. If I got say 98% accuracy on CIFAR-10 using SWIN-Tiny and then got the same 98% with a smaller model then I'm not proving anything. There are many simple models that can get 98% on CIFAR-10 so what improvement did I introduce to the SWIN-Tiny? But doing the same thing with ImageNet would be different.