
MegaPaint t1_iyc8p2y wrote

not as bad as missioners, at least the souvenirs in mexico, cambodia and similar are of some value for money and provide income to the people instead of to a few friends of the local authorities. The problem everywhere is the selling of goods using children that should be at schools or the monopolizing of a marketplace destroying it along with the small industries.


MegaPaint t1_iugo1eu wrote

182 seats for guajarat's legislative assambly eleccions in two months, generaly around the world some already seating are criminaly pushing to show "success" in infraestructure projects normaly by stealing public money through tenders and in some cases ending up with tangible tragic consequences as this one. I hope this tragedy reaches the head of the smelly fish and put an end to this kind of eleccion's projects deadlines mafia all around the world.