
Megasoulflower t1_ja26lbj wrote

In case this is helpful to OP, I live in a third floor walk-up two bed one bath apartment very close to Federal Hill with one designated parking spot and laundry in the unit. It’s $1625, the property management company sucks, and dog poop abounds on sidewalks and mulched garden beds—for a present day comparison. Confirmed living in New England is quite expensive, and Rhode Island is no exception (although Prov is cheaper than metro Boston)!


Megasoulflower t1_j8yapse wrote

I definitely think it’s worth a call! The folks who are paid to do that sort of thing (environmental emergency response) really and truly very rarely know unless someone tells them. I also truly doubt it originates from the derailment. I think it’s much, much more likely some facility nearby made a “whoopsie” or something like that. Do you know how to check on the RCRA-regulated facilities near you? There’s an EPA website you can use to check which facilities near you have had violations, as well as check on the types of facilities near you that might one day have an “oopsie!”


Megasoulflower t1_j8y76er wrote

Do you own property now? I know someone in Scituate who received a USDA farm grant to build a high tunnel on her property, and a high tunnel or two would be a great start at a nursery I bet! (: She received one or two more USDA farm grants too I think! (: Met her on Reddit actually ha!


Megasoulflower t1_j8xewem wrote

Also, EPA conducts thorough air monitoring around every fire, explosion, and gaseous emergency. If harmful plumes were on the move, people would be evacuated. On the other hand, facilities accidentally or intentionally release shit they shouldn’t be releasing all the time, and regulating authorities don’t always know immediately that it happened. Protect everybody and let ‘em know if you see or smell something funky! I like our babies with two eyes, not three (but if any of your babies out there have three eyes, I’m sure they are absolutely ADORABLE (; ) (:


Megasoulflower t1_j8xdolv wrote

If you all noticed something “off,” don’t hesitate to report it! You’ll help us all breathe clean air (: EPA National Response Center Hotline to report possible oil or chemical spills/releases: 1-800-424-8802. They’ll get you to the right folks, even if the issue turns out to not be in emergency response jurisdiction. Let us know how it goes if you do it! (: (I’d do it but I haven’t smelled the smell or seen the dust yet myself ): )