
MeinHuTopG t1_iuk8fis wrote

I'm commenting from a place where I'm imagining I'm the child, I will 100% be ousted, no questions asked, it's not even about religion, it's about the mindset more or less. And the logic lies somewhere in the lines of "if you're old enough to do/say 'this' , then you're old enough to fend for yourself anyway" The part of the community I come from, if i was indeed a part of LGBT and had the requirement/need to come out, I would rather be a voluntary asexual for life than risk being alienated by the people who spent at the very least 18 years raising me. For me, their word/opinion > my opinion. I'm not part of the 'west' so people from more conservative societies in the non western world might understand where this is coming from.

My opinion on kicking out a child is sad, but it's not like I've not seen cases of it happening. Kicking out and alienating the child is actually the nicer punishments lol.