
MelzyMely t1_iydyo20 wrote

He will figure it out and he has a good woman there helping him figure it out. I think it’s really beautiful and shows a good partnership. I just had to add in the “make sure you’re protecting yourself” part because I’ve been through a divorce where I was financially having to build my partner up as well. It wasn’t a messy divorce but we made a lot of poor spending choices because I wanted him to have a good life, etc.


MelzyMely t1_iydxvdw wrote

I think you have an idea of how to go about this, but just before you guys get married, really dig deep into how much this will affect you financially after you’re married. If you file jointly to get tax benefits as a married couple, you could’ve potentially be responsible for his previous tax years. I’m not entirely sure though. Getting married is a financial decision, not just a romantic one. You’ve been following through with growing financially, but your partner isn’t on that level yet. Make sure you’re protecting yourself


MelzyMely t1_iy9mhk1 wrote

I understand how you feel. I have credit card debt and it has hurt my self esteem because I don’t feel like I can trust my judgements. I understand having panic attacks. The truth is that you need to break down all your expenses as others have put and take a hard look at your living expenses and decide if 90k is possible to pay on your income. If it’s not, then you need to get a second job

If that’s not an option, I think declaring bankruptcy will be your only chance to improve your life circumstances and mental health.

I chose the path of working two jobs as someone who struggles with mental health issues. It’s not easy, but it is doable.