
MemeAddict96 t1_ixeirw6 wrote

Each state that legalizes is another domino towards nationwide legalization. As a federal employee, NH legalization would do nothing for me, but it’s another inch forward towards maybe one day having my first joint


MemeAddict96 t1_ivo57ne wrote

Your source on crime says crime rose during 2020 in both red and blue states. I thought Trump was president in 2020? It actually says there’s been a drop in violent crime. And it also says that public policy has little effect on crime rates.

I’m confused why you would post a source that would prove you wrong. Unless you don’t actually read things and just parrot the standard GOP talking points.


MemeAddict96 t1_iu94vzw wrote

Group of kids from Goffstown High School started a group called Recycled Percussion and were successful on one the big shows, America’s Got Talent, I think.

Anyway a couple of them started this Chaos and Kindness tv show thing that does charitable type stuff.