
MenschlicherMensch t1_j4lbt3m wrote

While I know where you are coming from, gender parity isn't the reason the ministry of defence got the worst ministers year after year. I mean, Lambrechts predecessor was AKK, who was probably the best minister since forever and a woman. The reason Lambrecht got the job is her beckground in the SPD and because no one took the job serious before russias war. And I mean, if there are competent and interested women like Möller and Högl, no problem, give em the job. Gender parity isn't really a problem, when there are enough competent people to choose from. And you can't really measure competence after a certain point, after that it is only guessing, there is no ultimate competence. Even Lauterbach, probably the most hyped minister, has struggled to fulfill the high hopes people had with him. The problem, which arises with gender parity, is that every single woman gets accused of only getting the job because of it and it being blamed for incompetent people like Lambrecht instead of the more problematic, systemic problem: That most ministers get their position not because of their competence, but of their connections and history with the party they are part of.