
MentallyMusing t1_j5hm9lu wrote

Yes, you can place a service call to them and Verizon to verify whose run it is, not all have dual use and telephone cables along a run can be surprisingly large and go for quite awhile in some areas without being broken out with a terminal so it's not out of the question... It's highly unlikely the cable company owns it as they came in third to the game and the other two already had ownership. Good Luck! Just tell them what you wrote here and the address... They usually take things like this serious because of the potential hazards it could create further away for someone working on the lines... Ice and snow are big deals they're good about sending techs out to get straightened


MentallyMusing t1_j118cey wrote

Thanks! People don't like the idea of fixers and that's what I chalk it up to. It super easy in the grand scheme of things to train RotBots to ratchet up and down votes.... It's sorta basic "Oh look what we can write code to accomplish" from day one. It's pretty disturbing it's not allowed as part of the discussion regarding the online experience since it's advanced to where it is today and the types of things you can push out from your own personal device to the interwebs/internet. Lots of scripted personas posting and posing as one of us instead of sent by one of us at the last point before it was unleashed


MentallyMusing t1_j0y5duq wrote

I live in Quincy and the sidewalks are in terrible condition to the point I couldn't imagine trying to get around using them with any type of mobility issues. Lots of poorly planned tree planting has left the often narrow sidewalk with the roots making all kinds of hazards with the cement being pushed up in some places close to six inches above the flat before and after with huge cracks making it impossible for an elderly person or someone with a walker, crutches or a scooter or even baby carriage to get over safely and it is absolutely a citywide problem once you leave Hancock St and travel down any side street into a neighborhood. I also can't figure out how the ramps with circle bumps don't cause more problems than they cure in addition to the Horrific inconsistency of the timing and sounds of the pedestrian lights that are in and around Quincy Center which have zero consistency from block to block some even having signage instructing you to press the button and wait for the cars to stop while using sounds that a visually impaired person would Easily mistake as the ok to cross and there is ONLY a blinking light present that Never gives a pedestrian light with some like the intersection at Burgin Parkway where Star Market is heading twords Hancock St that has a pedestrian light that once you hit the median/2 lanes going across the 4 lane road traffic gets a green light arrow pointing them right into the crosswalk and the do not walk like doesn't even have the timer. It literally sets people up to get run over/sets driver's up to hit pedestrians and if it's raining there's even More of a chance of them not expecting a pedestrian to be there. They also put a SUPER dangerous New crosswalks just past it that has only a blinking light and signage saying to yield to pedestrians.

This city has been designed to trap people inside their homes in a very real way with zero options for being outdoors without it being a drive or walk into a restaurant. I grew up here and it is such a disappointment to have things this way. The intersection you have to get through to visit the police station is an absolute death trap as well and I tried crossing it with my then 5yr old and we got stuck having to push the button for the pedestrian light at every island going from the cemetery (that has a yeild to traffic right turn with No light) to get to McDonald's.... It was infuriating how long it took us to safely cross that little section to get to the button for the pedestrian light. I'm thinking the whole time between the lack of public restrooms (plus having to be a customer to use one elsewhere) and the pedestrian lights being so terrible.... I'm going to be stuck showing him how to jaywalk and keep a poncho with me so he can piss outside and still learn he'll get a sex offender rap if he ever gets caught taking a leak outside by the time he's 12 because he's gonna be one of those big kids who looks older than he is. Grrrrr


MentallyMusing t1_j0gble9 wrote

I've definitely fell off mine as a kid but I feel like these stats have gone astray from what they Used to be used for... At one time they were told to us along with the changes that were being made to an unsafe product. Now they give us these numbers as scare tactics. Kids are actively and get bumps, bruises and sometimes breaks.... It a natural part of learning how to move around and what your body is capable of. Life is being designed to put us right into a chair with straps and keep us there making us physically weak through fear based inactivity


MentallyMusing t1_izjflq6 wrote

I feel like this article intentionally leaves out too much pertinent information. Including the fact they provided a photo of a sanctuary not recieving this bear as an addition to their own bear rescue community. And left till the end, without explaining, the efforts made locally to preserve the local bear population while it's numbers were declining.

These are exactly the types of articles I'd highlights and mark up after reading a hard copy to do my own research from.

It's the difference between a published opinion piece of fluff and a Real News Article (which provides Facts without the emotional tone and direction of belief being paved for you... Yuck!) Mislabeling thing will be the continued death of us


MentallyMusing t1_iyelf4i wrote

No problem! Not all business owners are good about keeping their records but if they get audited the shit usually rolls downhill and everyone is on their own against the IRS. The IRS doesn't care what you were told or didn't know they'll take everything leaving you with $50 out of your paycheck if they attached you for future earnings (from your next employment checks) until you're paid up in full. In Massachusetts anyway for Federal and State taxes which of course are separate


MentallyMusing t1_iye03g5 wrote

It's been awhile since I applied for a mortgage but typically they want 6 months proof of income. Your best bet to find a structure for taxes is to look at what hairdressers who rent a chair from the salon have to do (since they also get tips) the owner of the salon applies differently for taxes and is legally required to keep track of contractors working out of their shop


MentallyMusing t1_iydsk9f wrote

Keep all written communication safe as you can and ask for copies of how often and from when your car was first looked at and correspondence between them and your insurance provider while checking to see if any connections/contracts exist between them and the Rental Agency so you can potentially recoup some of your financial losses Created by their blatant mismanagement. Wishing you all the best!


MentallyMusing t1_iydjad1 wrote

That's insane.... Declaring a vehicle totalled happens right away here and they are costing you a ShitTon of Money making you wait all this time. The autobody shop should be able to take responsibility for telling you if the projected repairs cost more than the current value of your vehicle or is unable to be repaired safety for future use this is the criteria used to declare a vehicle Totalled here. I'm so sorry you're getting dragged through the process in that way....

(maybe the standards of the insurance company are different in the State you live (I'm in Massachusetts)

Will they (mechanic) give you an estimate or do they wait till the insurance adjuster comes in person to check on the car before they'll even look at it? It's sounds like they're holding you and your car hostage to create higher prices/bills and if they have any connections to the rental shop I'd start keeping good track of All communication that you can. Good Luck!


MentallyMusing t1_iyc6aen wrote

The person who achieves a 1/4 second's worth of spray gets an award... Just time it by starting at 1 before you get to 2 at a second's pace..... You need a trashbag test spray just to check for the kind of pressure needed to guage it right for your serving if you're finicky about that stuff for health reasons. Great Candid Camera material!


MentallyMusing t1_iy4ulbe wrote

Reply to comment by spaz_chicken in [Homemade] Beef Stew by spaz_chicken

Sounds great! I love rice dishes..... I put long grain wild rice mix into mine and it holds up really well turning the whole thing into a wet rice dish within 2-3 days of continuous absorption of the liquid. I make enough to get me halfway through the week and maybe one side dish for something else , lol.... Store prepared rotisserie chicken is great for it if you're a little lazy, lol.


MentallyMusing t1_iy4j9on wrote

Reply to comment by spaz_chicken in [Homemade] Beef Stew by spaz_chicken

That sounds Delicious and thank you for the directions! I usually over stuff with vegetables in the broth then take Some out to pulverize/use the blender to get that thicker gravy like consistently for my soups and stews but I also like the texture so when I have hours, I'll add some raw in with the new broth to soften up in the pot with the rest


MentallyMusing t1_ixzok6z wrote

Nice! I read not too long ago about a town that provided (and was promoted tourist wise) as the place that the Original apple variety was grown.... GMO and breed creation within a species is something I find really interesting and we have the most publicly available information regarding vegetation as opposed to animals. Nice find!