
MercurianAspirations t1_jedycym wrote

The magnetosphere is very big because the earth is very big, but it isn't really that strong. The magnetic force exerted by the magnetosphere is something like 150-400 times weaker than that of a common magnet. It's just very big, and the charged particles hitting it in space are very small. Even a common magnet would be enough to deflect these particles if you brought it to space, it just wouldn't be very effective in doing so because of how tiny it's range is.

The other part of the question I'm not clear on. We don't use magnetic fields to direct energy through utility lines - that's just current flowing through wires. It does generate a magnetic field, but that's a consequence of electricity passing through the wires, not what is causing it to move.


MercurianAspirations t1_jad1lkd wrote

Well, why was Greek and Latin culture so influential throughout all of Europe? I think the most compelling explanation for both of these is that they were literary cultures in the Ancient period. For generations Japanese scholars were learning Chinese to study the ancient classics, all of which were written in Chinese long before Japanese writing had even been invented. And they didn't start using Chinese characters and loanwords necessarily because they just loved Chinese culture so much - it was because all the ancient and prestigious texts used those words and characters, the same as we write with the Roman alphabet and use plenty of ancient Greek loanwords in English.


MercurianAspirations t1_jac5a6d wrote

"Fast charging" is not one specific protocol anymore - it depends on the brand and the specific model of phone, as well as which specific charger you're using. For Samsung for example there is now regular charging at 15W, 'fast charging' at 25W, and 'super fast' which garuntees 25W and can go up to 45W. But I believe a random charger that provides like, 18W, will still say "fast charging" so long as it is getting over 15W, but obviously an 18W charger is still going to charge slower than a 25W charger.


MercurianAspirations t1_j99t9lg wrote

Well we know for sure from experimentation that some molecules don't obey the octet rule, and a whole class of elements, the transition metals, obey an 18-electron rule rather than the octet rule. But the general principle that certain electron orbital configurations are more stable and lower-energy states, and therefore atoms will readily undergo reactions to achieve those states, generally holds true. The least reactive elements on the periodic table (the noble gases) already obey the octet rule, and the most reactive elements are those that only need a little energy (being only a few electrons away from a noble gas configuration in either direction) to get to such a configuration.


MercurianAspirations t1_j2e1faw wrote

Both cases are actually the same (well, not exactly, let me explain.) Regardless of where you are on the train, you're still moving horizontally at the speed the train is moving, and you don't immediately lose that momentum just because you jump. When you're inside the train you aren't actually landing right where you were, but with respect to the ground, you're traveling in an arc, and it just seems like you landed where you were because the train and you have the same horizontal speed. Things are the same on top of the train except you now have wind resistance to worry about, which can and will push back on (cancelling some of your horizontal speed with respect to the ground) you even while you are standing on the roof of the train. So you can in theory get the result where the train passes quickly under you, but it's the result of the difference between your horizontal momentum and the air resistance pushing back against you, and not caused simply by jumping


MercurianAspirations t1_iyd0gq4 wrote

Space isn't flat in the sense that it is flat like a piece of paper (i.e., it only has two dimensions), space is flat (maybe? we're not %100 sure) in the sense that it isn't a closed curve.

Think about it this way. On a curved object, like the surface of the earth, you can walk along the equator, turn 90 degrees, walk to the north pole, turn 90 degrees again, walk down to the equator, and turn 90 degrees again - tracing out a triangle with 90 degree corners. But that's not standard "flat" geometry, because triangles in that system can't have all 90 degree corners - it only works in a curved, closed system like a globe. On a curved coordinate system, parallel lines - like lines of longitude - eventually meet. (They all converge at the north and south poles.)

The universe could be like this. It could be a closed system that curves in one direction or another. But some data suggests that this isn't the case and parallel lines in space will never meet, just like they don't in two dimensional "flat" geometry.


MercurianAspirations t1_ittnbbp wrote

The first computers were mechanical devices. Say we have to do a very complex math problem, repeatedly, and as quickly as possible. (For example, it's 1941 and we need to figure out the how to aim the guns of a massive warship given the relative speed and direction of an enemy ship; how do we do that complex trigonometry problem as fast as possible?) A mechanical computer uses mechanical parts like levers and dials to represent values, and their mechanical relationships can be built such that you can do math with those values. If you only need to do one or two types of math problems, this is feasible with mechanical parts and fast enough.

But what if you could represent any arbitrary number, and do any arbitrary math with those numbers? Then you could do a lot more with your mechanical computer. Such a computer had actually been built all the way back in 1833 by Charles Babbage - it was just monstrously expensive, huge, and inconvenient, because every number had to be represented by a whole set of metal gears, and data and mathematical functions entered by use of punch cards.

The next breakthrough came with vacuum tubes. The specifics of how they work doesn't really matter, but suffice to say that they allow you to switch a current on or off, via input of another current. So they can function as an all-electric switch - one electric circuit can turn another on or off. So this greatly simplifies and speed's up Babbage's difference engine - because electric circuits are way faster than mechanical gears.

But even this kind of sucks. The tubes are big and fragile and fail often, and you need like 5,000 of them to get a very useful computer. In 1947 thanks to engineers at Bell Labs, we get the transistor: take a tiny bit of a semi-conductor material like silicon in a specific arrangement and you get everything that the vacuum tube does. Essentially this is a tiny little electric switch that can be on or off. So with enough of them, you can represent any arbitrary number and do any arbitrary math with them. This is the basis of all modern computers: using an array of thousands of tiny silicon switches to do math. Because silicon can etched into on a microscopic level, we can make processors that contain billions of transistors.

There are a couple of other questions here, like how to sort out computer memory. But that's the gist of it, you "teach a rock to think" by splitting it up into a ten billion tiny electric switches and then carefully turning them on and off.