
MessiSahib t1_j2ca97b wrote

Yep. News media constantly pat itself on the back, and take glory from a tiny portion of journalists that take actual risks and paints the entire industry with the glory of their work.

Most of the journalists, are too busy selecting news that fit their readers viewpoints, using their wild imagination to create headlines, use all of their education to pump in opinions in news, all to get more clicks/retweets/subscription.


MessiSahib t1_j2c9wan wrote

That number is for the entire world for the last twenty years. There must be dozens and dozens of jobs that are more dangerous, yet receive little sympathy from the news media and general public.

Most of the journalists aren't putting their lives on line, most of the journalists ignore important and relevant News and pump out cheap news that gets clicks/retweets. Journalists and editors are also responsible for curating news, manipulating story, pumping out headlines that grab attention and distorts the truth.

News media OTOH, keeps on praising itself and hyping up any risks the organizations or journalists take to raise their profile. My sympathy is with the journalists that are actually reporting from the dangerous areas (war zones, jihadi and extremists camps), not with the most of the journalists that live in safe city pumping out cheap headlines.


MessiSahib t1_j1pn32o wrote

The article forget to mention that the leader of this unity march, is PM candidate and was president of his party, because his mommy, daddy uncle, grandma, great-grandpa, great-great-grandpa were president or PM or PM candidate of the party and country.

Vast majority of India's problem since independence like corruption, nepotism, persistent poverty, unemployment, terrible education system, poor infrastructure, awful manufacturing and industrial setup, religion/caste/regional divides are due to this family and their party.

They can only shout secularism, because raising any other issue will open them up for massive criticism. Foreign media and activists, easily fall for their pitch, and then wonders why this party keeps on getting rejected.