
Mgl1206 t1_iwtbyfn wrote

…. You know I was literally thinking what if this was true but for dark energy instead. Since it somehow never decreased in volume despite the universe expanding. Yeah it’s kinda weak since information is not made but only changed and dark energy is somehow being made or something like that but as I was saying.

I then expanded on that and thought of a fictional story setting where you could have an organization that’s trained to read the information that’s stored in dark energy. And have the typical power struggle storyline in that setting with those in power trying to rewrite the information in dark energy for their own gain. This leading to a whole social upheaval as nothing can be relied upon to be true anymore since the entire society had grown to depend on the information stored in dark energy.

And I’m now realizing this is an allegory for our over reliance on the internet for information and truth, and also a commentary on our current society in general.….. that’s actually an interesting idea…. Huh