
Mic_Check_One_Two t1_j26q1q8 wrote

> This was also the basis of the “multiverse theory”, where it “snapped” into all possible states, with each one being it’s own resulting reality.

Not to be that guy, but a fairly recent study in quantum entanglement won a Nobel prize because they proved that the particles do “snap” into the possible state. Or rather, that you can suspend the possibility of it being one result of the other, and predict which it will be. Essentially, researchers discovered that it’s less “Schrödinger’ cat” (where the answer is some combination of “both” and “neither”) and more “this is already a red ball or a blue ball, but this room is too dark to determine what color I just grabbed.”

Basically, the particles are binary; They’re either positive or negative. No in between. So they entangled two particles, which means that they always do the opposite of one another. If one particle measures positive, the other is always negative. It doesn’t matter how far apart those particles move. You could put them on opposite sides of the galaxy, and they’d still always be opposite one another when measured. It has some neat ramifications for things like long distance communication and quantum computing, because if you manipulate a particle on one end, you could potentially send data to the particle on the other end. Like the world’s most complex cups and string.

What won the Nobel prize was when a team discovered that they do “snap” into place when you observe them. Or more accurately, that if you measure the first particle, the second particle is then hung in suspension until you measure it. When you observe one particle, then later observe the other, the second particle will still read opposite what the first did. Even if time has passed.

Prior to the discovery, it was believed that you had to measure them at the same time, because the states are only known when measured, and it was believed that they were always in flux. But the team proved that isn’t the case; You can wait a while, and predict what the second particle will be based on the old results of the first particle. This also technically means that the first particle is hung in suspension, (rather than being in flux) and we simply don’t know what the result is yet because we haven’t measured it.


Mic_Check_One_Two t1_izi2rfh wrote

Well… Kind of. Disney has a habit of pulling inspiration from public domain, then copyrighting their new version and using it to bully anyone who tries to use the original source material. Basically every Disney princess came from a story in public domain. But if you try to sell anything related to Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, etc I can almost guarantee Disney’s army of lawyers will be on your ass. Even if what you’re selling doesn’t include Disney’s material. They’ll try to bully you with lawsuits simply for using the same source and being tangentially related as a result.