
MichyPratt t1_j2fh23a wrote

>>I’m just wondering if there are any other ways to go about this.

You’re asking if there’s any way to avoid the consequences of being a total piece of shit, and the answer is no.

Hiding this will absolutely blow up in your face. If you want any sort of chance with your current girlfriend, you are going to have to tell her. And you’re going to have to watch it completely destroy her. And you’re going to have to do anything she needs you to in order to help her heal, even if it means leaving her.

If she does decide to allow you to try to make it up to her, just know that the person she sees you as will be completely altered. How she feels about you, how she feels about herself, how she feels about intimacy, how she feels about the relationship, her trust in you, her love for you, her patience and understanding with you, will all be changed.


MichyPratt t1_j2fch6c wrote

You need to practice thinking before you speak. If you feel yourself overwhelmed with emotions, that is not the time to try to argue. Even if you have a valid point, your actions of screaming and hyperventilating make it hard to listen to you or take you seriously which probably exasperates your poor behavior. Give yourself a few minutes to calm down and wait until you can think rationally before discussing anything that upsets you.

ETA- continue therapy. You need to break yourself down before you can rebuild a better you.