
MidlandsRepublic2048 t1_j64hrgt wrote

Never gonna happen. Think about it. Even as far back as the story of Sampson in the bible. He's described basically as tall dark handsome and strong. The paradigm for men hasn't shifted in over 3000 years of civilization since then. I have no hope it'll ever change. Inclusivity of physical appearance is a myth sold by people who still believe Star Trek is a legit future


MidlandsRepublic2048 t1_j60s2rn wrote

Youve just discovered what I call a hard truth. People will forgive a lot for a pretty face.

Take Gaston in beauty and the beast for example. I guarantee everyone knows he's an absolute jerk to Belle and her father and a general dickwad to everyone else. But because he's "handsome, strong, and fearless", everything is forgiven.