
MikaNekoDevine t1_iui70h2 wrote

If you really believe that, then I feel bad for you. They are still making record profits, and through dlcs were the old form of micro transactions. Difference most cases I paid for content with dlcs, that are not just skins but for a new experience. Now we are paying almost the same amount but for a single skin instead of dlcs. Right now, gaming has been how to monetise the game as clear as day, than at least pretend to care about player experience. You want cosmetics or battle passes go free to play.


MikaNekoDevine t1_iugmnli wrote

Why go far, take the latest COD it’s a fun game it is COD. But from what i heard so far one game mode, sub par campaign, kd ratio is gone, and best part battle passes. While on the other side of the coin, we got Horizon Forbidden West, which is imo worth the 70$ price. Yes we were paying the same or more in the 90s but things were still new. Now we nearly perfected it but guess what greed getting in the way. Now take on D2 in which is free but expansions aren’t and we lose old content or they become paywalled. Games are much more than 70$ nowadays, and the excuse it is only cosmetics means we also lost the ability to unlock that stuff while playing. What we are getting is nothing more than pretty graphics over games.


MikaNekoDevine t1_iugjp7t wrote

No it is , and guess what it isn’t 70$. We are paying more for less, with the added “benefit” of just renting the game and not owning it like before. Elden Ring is another example of a game that is worth 70$ but also isn’t. The games worth that price are so little, increase in price means increase in quality and less monetisation.


MikaNekoDevine t1_iugh9ul wrote

We are talking a 30year difference, a huge advancement in tech. Yet we are paying this for so little to what this tech is capable off. Take a look at RDR2. What we are getting is a rehash of same games different skin, higher price AND it still includes micro transactions. So no 70$ does NOT justify the cost of what we get in a lot of triple A games, and yes there are exceptions.
