
MikeG782 OP t1_j3uhl3g wrote

Reply to comment by Umbert360 in Business noise complaint by MikeG782

We bought the house before COVID so we will easily make a profit. Only problem is all that profit will have to go towards a down payment for a comparable home to keep the mortgage around the same


MikeG782 OP t1_j3uc1qq wrote

Wasn’t trying to be snarky with my question. Just curious if I could have done more research than I did when I bought the house. Of course I could have but too late now. I figured the best way to get honest advice was to ask strangers on the internet


MikeG782 OP t1_j3uba7p wrote

Are you a realtor?! That is solid advice. We’ve been in the house for a few/couple years and as you know the market has been high stress for buyers. If you don’t make an offer within hours of viewing then you lose out. In a perfect world we would have had more time to do more research but we made our bed so now we have to lie in it awake because of the noise lol. Based on everyone’s feedback here I don’t think we have any legal options. Just gonna hope it doesn’t get worse and start house hunting


MikeG782 OP t1_j3u3a6c wrote

Reply to comment by grafvonorlok in Business noise complaint by MikeG782

I did some of that but that’s good advice so I don’t make the same mistake twice! I’ll probably see how much further I can get with the contact I have that works there and look into sound proofing


MikeG782 OP t1_j3tsak1 wrote

I WISH we lived next to a gun range haha. We can actually hear the one from the town over. To add a bit more info: The business is a distributor of materials. Don’t want to give much more info than that. The problem with the local noise ordinance is it is for dwellings only. They are in an industrial zone. The business was there before the house. I was well aware we were likely going to be dealing with a decent amount of noise given the size of the business but incorrectly assumed they would be operating during typical business hours 9-5 type deal. How was I supposed to know otherwise? Definitely appreciate the advice so far! I think I’m in a deal with it or move situation ☹️. I might try to do something using state law RSA 147
