
Mike_H07 t1_jc9n09k wrote

38 years old, young enough to turn it around, a job instead of jobless, spending time on Reddit (okay this may be a negative haha). Being homeless does suck though. Yeah you don't have it great, but many many people have it worse (not saying you should be happy because people in Africa are worse off or something, just showing how others can have another perspective on things).


Mike_H07 t1_j8df9dd wrote

Okay, I don't agree with your calculations, that 10% extra put into work could also be a breakpoint for many jobs changing lives etc (very unreasonable, but that is the premise of your being nice argument), cause guess what, all those volunteer tasks that have compounding interests also can he jobs. A teacher that teaches 10% better could also change so many more.lives than your volunteer guy, a doctor working 10% better, literally saving 10% more lives.

I don't disagree that education and mental health impact the economy a lot, but I disagree on the magnitude you describe to these effects from chance meetings on the street etc from untrained volunteer workers compared to mental health professionals

P.s. saying yeah someone else does the job if you don't exist and then ignoring that argument for your own choices (like only you can do volunteer work and no one else) is kinda weird.


Mike_H07 t1_j8d5yz5 wrote

Yeah sorry Imma disagree. While being nice is important, for a big part of the world they would rather have a working economy, gas bills paid and food on the table, which gets impacted by the economy of your country and what the productivity of your countries work is.

These stories are nice and some do have live changing moments, but this is just ignoring the people that work for 50 odd years making sure those groceries even exist in the first place.