
MikuEmpowered t1_ixyhu93 wrote

Multiple cleaning.

A business receives a shit load of unexplained cash. It then proceed to "receive it" along with other legitimate customer deals. usually slightly bloating the numbers. This causes any fast looks to turn up as "yeah its legit, just bad accounting"

The business then spend or transfer the money to another laundry, and through multiple layers, the money essentially becomes untraceable.


MikuEmpowered t1_ixyhjw3 wrote

Your heart beat is regulated by your natural pacemaker, which generates small electric voltage. When you induce a small voltage, this fuks up the pacemaker, and in severe cases, causes fibrillation. The whole reason your heart works is through a steady rhythmic beat, its the different contraction that causes the blood to pump and create a flow.

Higher current causes the entire heart to contract at once, which also fuk up the rhythm.

If you do not bring the rhythm back (usually through a defibrillator), your heart fails to pump blood and you die.

Electricity also generate heat, the higher the resistance, the more heat is produced. Flesh, is not exactly conductive, so when a very strong electric shock passes through you, it will cook along the path.


MikuEmpowered t1_iucyh9z wrote

Ever chucked a huge chunk of sugar block into water? note how its extremely slow to dissolve?

Same with food, the more you chew, the smaller the food bits become, this overall increases the total area your stomach acid can interact with the food.

When you don't chew, and just swallow an entire brisket full, it will take a long time and too much energy for the body to process, and in turn, decide that it's not worth the effort/energy and just pass it out.


MikuEmpowered t1_iu0sjuo wrote

Rat race is just like what it sounds, rat racing in a maze for food.

It's pointless and the race never ends. winning the race just means the rat waits for the next maze/race.

When applied to human, it basically looks at life as pointless. You grow up, spend your life working, then retire. Sure, you went on vacations, met your soulmate, have kids and whatnot. But just like the cheese, its temperate. it's pointless, and at the end of the day, everything you ever done holds no purpose except prolonging your life. and come a few hundred years, everything about you is erased. The cycle of pointlessness is why we call it the rat race.