
MiloTheMagnificent t1_jaei9ye wrote

So the woman you are using for sex because you aren’t capable of making a commitment is having a conversation with somebody she knew before you met her and you think that you are in the position to decide if she deserves your forgiveness?

You should leave her alone for her sake. Who knows what you think you will be entitled to if you actually deigned to call her a girlfriend


MiloTheMagnificent t1_iuak070 wrote

Could Hannibal daily feel a stab of hunger and be satisfied at the sight of Will?


But does Will feel the same?


How can a show that pays off the love story be baiting? Hannibal got what he always wanted for the two of them. Will always knew he must kill Hannibal regardless of what he might have felt or wanted and Hannibal loved Will because Will Graham would do what he must. The wrath of the lamb.