
Mind43dom t1_itcmx63 wrote

Do you typically take one persons view and then preach it as gospel?

He is using an anecdotal event in his life to explain his opinion.

I’m not dismissing his opinion, he’s entitled to it. Music has been around for a Millenia, it will be around another Millenia as long there is humans to play and experience it.


Mind43dom t1_itcjfug wrote

No I don’t think it’s better, the focus on one artists popularity and suppression of access to the other millions of artists is not a reason to go back to the heavy gatekeeping of the industry.

Let’s also not forget even the period you’re taking about for every major like Bieber there were thousands of 1 hit wonders who went nowhere.

Like everything in life, holding onto what was a horrible system that endeavoured to destroy the artists they promoted for the sake of nostalgia is not the way forward.

Record labels were selling the artist on the idea of Fame, not buying them for their talent or music. Artists had their egos fed and bank accounts robbed.

People are also far more connected than ever before and people can find new artists with ease, the music industry does not need major artists, the music industry is evolving as people evolve and our connected world evolves and more unique artists create their own platform. The public is the arbitrator of the success.

The current system is on a much better projection for the artists than ever before. Now an artists can go viral on tiktok and distribute their music globally with no record label.


Mind43dom t1_itcho07 wrote

Because they ring fence and gate keep the industry. They built the system to ensure you get fucked and they get rich.

Now places like tiktok and social media are cutting them out the loop, if you hit it in tiktok and have released your own music through streaming services with no label you’re laughing.

Touring is still fucked, tickettek and others have deals with venues and gate keep access and ticket distribution.