
Mindless_Mechanic007 t1_je3hqlw wrote

You don't tell us how old you are..........or how close to retirement you are. Almost all of the information needed to make a rational recommendation is missing.

This really isn't the place to be asking for advice. Yes, there are some smart people here. However, most of the 'plays' here are risky bets.

Another member mentioned r/stocks or r/investing as good forums......I concur with that advice.

I will make a recommendation regarding a stock for you to LOOK AT, make your own decisions about AFTER you do your own due diligence.......and that would be ASTS.

They are putting together a satellite network to connect unmodified, standard cell phones to the cell network WHEN the user is outside of a cell site. Test satellites have been put up, they are in the process of building the first 6 satellites for deployment late this year. Basically disruptive technology. Take a look at them, read and study them, make your own decisions......they are a pre revenue company (they are losing money because they need to build the 'product' first). Starlink and Globalstar are trying to be the competition.


Learn all you can...........there is so much to learn in finance. Bet only what you can afford to lose!! Just because it's a stock, bond, or anything else doesn't mean you won't lose it all. Look at the banks.......they used to be considered nice, safe, dependable stocks that didn't do too much with their price changes.........steady dividends, etc. Depending on your timeline.....there are some nice low prices right now. A few years from now......they should recover. But everything is a gamble. Some more than others........

Best of luck to you!!