
MisterRioE_Nigma t1_jceo4me wrote

Reply to comment by albertowtf in [image] by Royal_Tumbleweed_910

There are more uses in life for an axe than for a razor. If you could have only one. Its the axe. Its a dumb meme. And you’re just looking for an arguement. But ill let you deal with those issues alone.


MisterRioE_Nigma t1_jcbjfhu wrote

U can have one thing on the desert island, the razor blade, or the axe.

Dr. Feelgood trying to tell us value hierarchies just dont exist now, all to make you feel better about being a fucking razorblade on a desert island.


MisterRioE_Nigma t1_jarpky2 wrote

Guy on the left has more chance of escaping. He will see the weakest point of the cement to try and pry the bars, whereas righty prefers his safe, beautiful, fantasy land. And if either of them had any intelligence, they would take their top off, piss on it, wrap it and tie it around two bars, snap off a leg of the chair, use the leg as a handle to twist the wet cloth until the bars bend. seeing the world either way is fine. But intelligence is the thing you need to succeed.


MisterRioE_Nigma t1_j8zjrhq wrote

Best piece of advice you will see here….

Redditors ARE NOT qualified psychologists. Their answers will only be projection of their own opinions and experience of life. 99% of the people commenting here will have NO IDEA about your life or what caused you to srrive at your destination. You need to go talk to a psychologist or your doctor. Somebody who actually has authority to speak to you on this matter. To find an answer for your problem, you have chosen to worst place on the net to ask about it. Think of it like this, do you think reddit attracts primarily idiots? Or primarily highly educated and intelligent people on average?