
Mockbubbles2628 OP t1_ja776x4 wrote

I'd avoid ebay for something like this, there's no warranty and you don't know if the first owner damaged them In a way that you'd never know until too late

I'm usually a big fan of buying used but unless it comes with a warranty I'd never do it for headphones, luckily mine came with 3 years so I got a really good deal


Mockbubbles2628 OP t1_ja532si wrote

So I didn't even know they had the open box deal available, I was under the impression I would have to pay full MSRP but the owner told me they had open box for a 200 pound discount. I'd suggest not going to the store I did because the owner was a total snob and not that pleasant, I think he only gave me the open box because I wasn't that impressed by the in store demo.


Mockbubbles2628 OP t1_ja4fxrw wrote

I started with some Hifiman Sundaras, an Atom AMP and a Khadas tone board 2 years ago, it was a rocky start but I grew to love them, I wanted an upgrade that will give me more of everything, I tried the LCD-X, focal clear MG and Hifiman Arya in an audio store

My initial impressions were actually quite low, I couldn't tell much of a difference between my sundaras and the clear MG / LCD, the aryas sounded the best but where way to airy and I didn't really like the crazy wide soundstage and for rock music everyone says the LCD-X are better anyway. I'm not sure if the AMP / DAC I was using in this store was any good tbh, my old sundra stuff sounds better

The LCD-x sounded weird, and I know this now because without a harman EQ they do sound.. strange (this almost caused me to walk out the store without buying anything, but luckily I knew that they sound weird with no EQ). The clear MG sounded better than the LCD-x initially but they lacked some of the bass that my sundaras had and I didn't like how the headphones looked, also everyone says the clear MG are a jack of all trades, which I dont need, I need rock music cans because that's what I listen to

The store had an open box deal for the LCD-x for 850GBP, and the Clear MG was 1100, considering the LCD also comes with a literal nuclear launch box they where the obvious choice

So after plugging them into a SMSL SU-9 DAC and SP200 AMP and putting on a harman EQ they sound incredible, they dont have that annoying hiss that my sundaras had with some vocal frequencies, the bass is insane and the soundstage is decenetly improved (if the LCD-x is 10/10 then sundaras are a 6), Vocals sound cleaner and more separated from everything else, they feel sturdy as hell, the cable is really nice although the mini XLR looks likes it has just cheap heatshrink to indicate the polarity, which is really questionable but whatever.

All the reviews I watched said the weight of them (like 650g vs 350 ish of the others) was a huge issue, I just see this as a way to get a hench AF neck, I've had them on for a few hours and It's not really an issue, I'm sure I'll get used to it