
MongoJazzy t1_je1oc8f wrote

There is no need to go to Switzerland to find people who are capable of operating a commuter rail system.

Our major impediment is that we typically recycle political hacks who have no idea what they are doing and are largely incompetent. That is why we see people like Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary - he's totally inexperienced and incompetent at Transportation. So was his predecessor Elaine Chao.

Both parties do this - its not a partisan issue: they put incompetent people in important jobs and then wonder why government services are a complete failure.


MongoJazzy t1_j8ym1pm wrote

Please leave the seal pup alone. The pup isn't "stranded", the seal pup is just resting on the beach. Seal pups commonly rest on beaches while mom & pop go fishing. The seal pup knows where the ocean is. The seal pup is fine. have a great weekend !