
Moogottrrgr t1_jd6169j wrote

And where did the people from all the projects go? What about the people living down the street in those cheap apartments on Negley? How many years of negotiations and regulations did it take to get those places replaced, or did the developers do that out of the goodness of their hearts?

Are you honestly trying to tell me that if we just let developers do whatever the hell they wanted, those houses would exist?


Moogottrrgr t1_j6owkjt wrote

I just asked my 10-year-old son where you should go and he said here:

We've only ever gone there at brunch time (like 11 or so) so I don't know what the crowd situation there is (it's in the Strip) so maybe other people can tell you what the best time to go would be. I can tell you that I brought five kids there, let them spend all they wanted on video games, and we only spent $100 (not including food), so it's pretty cheap.

Edited because that website sucks. It's a fried chicken and vintage video game place.


Moogottrrgr t1_j664xlo wrote

My dream is to have high-speed rail, that will go from Columbus, Wheeling, maybe Morgantown, then Pittsburgh and from Pittsburgh go to Youngstown, maybe Meadville, Erie, Jamestown, NY, and Buffalo, NY. Full-on Sci-fi would take that to Toronto. If you remove Columbus and Buffalo, we'd make the most amazing megalopolis.

Once that becomes super successful, they will connect it from Erie or Youngstown to Cleveland, Toledo, maybe Detroit, and then eventually Chicago.


Moogottrrgr t1_j658bbf wrote

So, good news and bad news. In the code under "Residential Compatibility Standards," it says this:

916.07 - Lighting
All lights used by development that is subject to
Residential Compatibility Standards shall be arranged and controlled so as to
deflect light away from any lot that is zoned RSD, RSA, RT, RM, or H. Any light
or combination of lights that casts light on a public street shall not exceed
one (1) foot-candle (meter reading) as measured from the centerline of such
street. Any light or combination of lights that cast light on a lot zoned R1D,
R1A, R2, R3, RM, or H shall not exceed 0.4 foot-candles (meter reading), as
measured no more than three (3) feet inside the lot line of a lot that is zoned
R1D, R1A, R2, R3, RM, or H.

That's the good news. They are not allowed to do that at all. The bad news is, its a PITA to get PLI to enforce RCS. Start with 311, though.


Moogottrrgr t1_iyczkwx wrote

I don't know if the timing of the yellow lights is a state law kind of thing, but I feel like they should be longer at places like Penn and 40th by the fire station and the inttersection of Highland and Center, where you have to stop long before the corner.

You have three choices at those intersections:

  1. Speed up at the yellow so you don't block the fire station/turning lane for buses. The light will be red by the time you hit the intersection. Pray no one hits you and you don't hit anyone.

  2. Stop on the yellow. You are now blocking access from the firestation/bus turning lane. A bus driver will scream at you while pointing at the line just behind your car.

  3. Stop while the light is green because it's been green for a while and you don't want to get stuck where you're not supposed to be. Since this is only an issue during heavy traffic, you surely won't be murdered by the person in the giant pickup truck behind you, who has been tailgating you since you refused to run over a pedestrian at the last turn. This is also why you can't back up if you've crossed the line already.

If they would just make the yellow light longer in those situations, all would be good.


Moogottrrgr t1_iu5l7gt wrote

Reply to comment by IcyButters in Used/vintage front doors by IcyButters

Yeah, I'm on year 22 of looking for a door I can just refinish and hang. Good luck!
I haven't gotten a quote yet - it was the plan for this winter, but Allied will give you a quote online. Someone I know who did it and was offended by me asking the price said it was "less than $5,000" in answer to me asking if it was "like $5,000 or $10,000?"