
MoonDzn t1_itchkap wrote

While most people prefer IEM’s, headphones gives you more soundstage, because there’s a gap betwen your ears and your headphones speakers! IEM’s trying to replicate the “treble boost” what we hear as “flat”, while headphones usually trying to replicate good bass frequency response! It doesn’t mean that IEM’s are better at doing bass frequency, but it’s way more smoother, and It’s easy to tune by manufactures! Headphones are good for comfort, soundstage, sound quality, and a more “natural” sound profile! While IEM’s are good as well, but It’s more focused on Sound Imaging, and portability! If you use closed back headphones, the sound you will hear is gonna be different, because our ears are always different from each other! While IEM’s are very consistent, even if It’s closed in, but that will ruin the soundstage of the IEM’s! I personally prefer only headphones for home uses, while if you go to work or a trip outside, I prefer IEM’s / Earphones because of the portability! Headphones for music / games and music production is way better, while IEM’s are, just good sounding, but It will not gonna make you go wild with it! I hope you will understand this, and I hope I tell you some info’s from both things! :)

  • Chris - Sound Engineer!