
Moont1de t1_j50el9y wrote

The issue with increasing the dose is that you're increasing the amount that gets stored in fat, which can lead to hypervitaminosis when the stored vitamin D inevitably gets released. I don't think such a study is ethical.


Moont1de t1_iz15k0j wrote


Moont1de t1_iyy758h wrote

> a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.


Moont1de t1_iybldfl wrote

The title of the thread contains 1 (one) editorialized sentence that accurately describes part of the results of the paper linked in the thread. The title includes 4 other sentences that are not editorialized in any way.

You're complaining about 1 (one) a sentence that is not even the opinion of OP, rather just a rewording of the authors' conclusion to make it more palatable to broad audiences.

Looking at the front page of /r/science right now, every single thread has an editorialized title to make it more accessible.

You're grasping at straws


Moont1de t1_iybkj97 wrote

> I'd rather just get the facts and not someone's interpretation of it.

OP is citing a literal conclusion to the paper.

> There's probably a science opinions subreddit for that kind of content.

The content of this thread is a scientific paper. Perhaps you might want to click on it


Moont1de t1_iy9wh1x wrote

> I dislike that you nitpick at these points without addressing the actual claim.

What claim? Even if we pretend that you did not imply that I am vegan and rather just went on an entirely unrelated tangent about veganism for no reason at all, your comment is void of any point that is not an easily disproven assumption.

> The reason I doubt you've looked into the matter is because the elimination of processed foods is responsible for many of the health benefits we see from alternate diets.

This is a sophomoric understanding of the state of the art of the bromatology and nutrition scholarly fields, hypothesis design in modern studies accounts for this variable and does not simply compare diets with processed products vs. without.

> This would include any carnivore diets that also eliminate processed foods

There is evidence that eliminating processed foods (if you define processed foods in the very specific framework of ultra-processed foods) leads to short-term benefits such as weight loss and improved cardiovascular health, and long-term reductions in overall mortality. When you account for that variable, I have not seen a single study whatsoever that shows short or long-term benefits to carnivore diets.

I have seen such results for plant-based or low-meat diets.


Moont1de t1_iy9u740 wrote

> You are correct in asserting the article does not state participants replaced red meat with poultry or fish, but the article does not explicitly state that they did not either.

In the contrast with the traditional Mediterranean diet vs the green Mediterranean diet, it was replaced with vegetables.