
MorRobots t1_j9shia0 wrote

How much silicate dust and aluminum oxide do you think the worlds volcanos spews into the upper atmosphere every year? Now ask yourself, if that number is larger or smaller than 29 tons a day and by how many orders of magnitude. I have a feeling you will find the the environmental impact will be ever slightly higher then a butterfly flapping it's wings in china in an effort to cause a hurricane in the Atlantic.


MorRobots t1_j6wnu46 wrote

This is something I wish there were PSA's about:

When you have no Service, you likely may still be able to call 911.

911 calls rides on all carriers and is given priority by the towers regardless of the subscribers service provider. It also rides on all the cellphone standards as well.

The tower will actually drop subscribers to ensure the 911 call gets connected.


MorRobots t1_iuc0lvy wrote

SpaceX will absolutely sell them boosters to do this. Here is why:

  1. It's regulatory top cover. "Starlink is not a monopoly, we have competitors <points at amazon>. We launch competitors satellites as well."
  2. If Amazons effort fails, they can buy it for pennies on the dollar while still having gotten full price for the boosters.
  3. If they decide to divest Starlink, it provides them a mature acquisition candidate.
  4. They get to sell their competitor boosters at full price while launching their own satellites at cost.