
Morkitu t1_j6ldyfn wrote

Check your physical bill for any other company names other than PSE& could be paying a totally different company for your energy supply.

Once I had an extremely high bill from PSE&G, and there was this weird company name on it. Turns out I had been switched to another private energy supplier. They can charge whatever they want, and can even raise the price of an average kilowatt hour at any time.

Not saying this happened to you, but wouldn't hurt to check. Also, know that those wall mounted combination heating and cooling units that come with many luxury buildings are very inefficient and costly. In the winter and summer months, you have to run them constantly, and they gobble up energy like a Pac-Man pellet! Best wishes! hopefully it was a misread of your meter.


Morkitu t1_j32ry01 wrote

That is a bit high. Check for a few things...

Check to see if there are any other companies listed on the bill as your supplier such as "Constellation Energy" or "Direct Energy". There should only be PSEG on your bill.

Check to verify if the major charges are for electric or gas. If you have baseboard heating or heating by wall unit, those tend to eat up a lot of energy. Baseboard is by far the worst, most expensive and energy inefficient type of heating.


Morkitu t1_j1j3i6u wrote

There needs to be tougher penalties for assaulting transit workers, because you are putting an entire vehicle or system of people at risk when you harm the person driving the bus, or train, or the officers in charge of passenger safety.

Whether it's loud, unruly teens, fare evaders, or ratchet, ghetto hoodrats (like those in the video), a message needs to be sent to avoid accidents, or other passengers from being harmed.


Morkitu t1_j09ladt wrote

Check the heating/gas portion. If you have baseboard heating, the bill will skyrocket. Also, check to make sure that you don't have another company/carrier on your bill. Your energy supplier and carrier should be PSE&G. If there's any other name on the bill like a company you never heard of, someone switched your supplier.

There are companies that go door to door, or make calls to residents asking them to switch their service. They make it seem like they are from PSEG and trick customers into signing onto another energy carrier. These carriers can charge whatever they want per kilowat hour, and folks don't realize until they have been switched over.


Morkitu t1_j042zri wrote

Sorry you are having issues! A lot of older structures in JC have these issues.

As a short term solution, you can do the following...a bit of work, but worked for me.

Sprinkle spices around where they are likely to get in. I use pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, garlic...especially garlic powder. Mice tend to stay away from pungent spices.

Also there is a youtube video that you can use that plays a high pitched sound that repels mice, roaches (anything with acute hearing or antennae. This works when you are just sitting around and want peace without seeing them scamper by.

High Pitch Sound For Mice


Morkitu t1_ix2dwbx wrote

Interesting "hot takes" from folks on here. For me, it's more about a person's character. The kind of person that would intentionally evade a fare, is likely also the kind of person that could or would cause problems on the trains. A person that would likely smoke, play loud music, steal from, harass, or assault someone, or some other form of mischief.

When I see people intentionally hop the turnstile, I make sure to avoid the car they are riding on, because more than likely it will be a (censored) show for the rest of the ride. gif


Morkitu t1_itror6h wrote

So sorry for your peril! Yes, that water bill was a killer this quarter too. My mom's was nearly $900 (double 2Q). I think it's the way the new company, Veolia, calculates usage, combined with a higher rate, AND don't forget the solid waste fees.

I personally think that the city and real estate interests are trying to get people's homes. If you are a senior on a fixed income, there is no way you can even live. And family members of seniors have to pick up the rest of the tab.

My mother always praised Fulop, but I feel like he is the Mike Bloomberg of Jersey City, because he is allowing money and corporate interests to carve up the city, and diverting funds and resources to the gentrified areas.

Quality of life is not great and the cost is very expensive the closer you are to NYC. 12K a year is more than many seniors receive in Social Security. Something has to give before it breaks.

I wish you and your family the best as this year wraps up! Hang in there!


Morkitu t1_itovhkt wrote

I am now broken. My mom's tax bill went from $1580 in 2Q (she lives in Greenville) to $2,082 in 3Q, and now it's a whopping $2,980 in 4Q!

She is a senior citizen on a fixed SS income so guess who has to make up the difference? I will definitely be exercising my voting rights in the coming weeks.

We're really paying for the $250K and $350K salaries of city and county executives, and Board of Ed members...many of those on our City Council and Board of Education don't even live in Jersey City proper!

Massive tax hikes at a time when food, medical care, and cost of living have soared, and right before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays! Jersey City has been corrupt and mismanaged since I was a fetus basically, but this just beats everything.

I wish everyone the best during this trying time in JC!


Morkitu t1_itoumun wrote

Moving to Jersey City became a sort of knee jerk reaction for folks shocked by the changes to NYC wrought by the pandemic. Changes with included massive rent increases, and a reduction in convenience and quality of life. Realtors and investors saw quick opportunities to throw up "luxury" structures and redevelop areas in anticipation. They cashed in on this hysteria and still are cashing in. With the greedy Board of Education and City Council approving gargantuan tax hikes, the cost of rent is now passed on to renters who are waking up to a new nightmare.

Now, I think the honeymoon period is wearing off, and people are seeing that they were promised Brad Pitt, but got Chris Pine instead. They were shown brochures of Downtown JC area and Newport waterfront areas, but many ended up in run down Journal Square, or the surrounding areas. Jersey City is undergoing lots of redevelopment, but it's still pretty rundown compared to other cities in NJ proper.

Thanks to Jenny (Gentrification) the rents are ticking up and getting close to Manhattan levels. So where's the bargain now? Where's the value? Is it worth being able to just hop a PATH train to Manhattan? With remote work, is it worth it still?