
MotheroftheworldII t1_j82w05z wrote

Welcome to the Utah state legislature. My dear MIL who was born and raised in Utah always said the state legislature was composed of farmers, hicks, and rubes. Clearly we have way too many idiots in the legislature in this state. During every legislative session I am always amazed and how truly stupid so many of the bills presented are. These people have maybe the collective brain power of a box of rocks.


MotheroftheworldII t1_itw7paw wrote

This is such a beautiful area in Switzerland but, I don't remember any place in Switzerland that is not beautiful. We we lived in Europe many, many decades ago we would ski in this area and would ski from Kliene Scheidegg to Grindelwald for lunch. We had a local instructor who loved just skiing through the mountains on trails to get to another town for a great meal.