
Moxy79 t1_j06ponb wrote

Devils advovacate... There is a huge problem with this act that the American Bar Association pointed out. This act would force Lawyers to report attourney-client privileged and protected client information to the government.

Which on its face is like "so what?" but one day could effect you, your buisnesses etc

Toomey is an ass but I kind of agree that this Act should have been modified to protect attourney clien privalage


Moxy79 t1_iun0w58 wrote

The Keystone Party has heavy Libertarian leanings but rely on Government intervention for healthcare economics etc where Libertarians want government out of everything. TBH as a lifetime Libertarian I've kind of found that most Libertarians align more with Keystones way of thinking than the hard "Anarchy NOW!" stereotype that people think we are. Unfortunately like with all Partys the fringe seems to get the headlines. Here is their platform