
MrPotatoButt t1_j0kx9qy wrote

Tradition built around the fact that the UK is poor compared to the US. They just didn't have the money available after the war, and never could gather the kind of money that Hollywood could amass. So, they had less TV/movie productions, paid their actors less, and didn't have the characteristic of "filler" in their TV episodes.


MrPotatoButt t1_iuac32n wrote

No, I think this is being driven by the drying up of "easy" money. You need a lot of money to produce a TV show. Cheap lending allowed streaming media companies to generate content on a whim. But they won't have that money available anymore, and all media companies are going to have to alter their project investment strategies.


MrPotatoButt t1_iuaaj45 wrote

Its the new owner's company. They probably won't gut WarnerMedia much; its like throwing away its value. What will probably kill WarnerMedia is the economy. We saw an explosion in scripted content for the past decade because the cost of borrowing money was cheap. All that money is drying up in interest rates. WM, as all streaming companies, will have to be pickier about what they produce, and less scattershot media production.


MrPotatoButt t1_iu7bi6w wrote

Also, before streaming, popular shows would have a second airing that week, and they'd rerun the entire season over the summer, because "the big three" wouldn't release new content over the summer.

I get really pissed off now that FIOS doesn't make previous seasons of their broadcast/cable network shows available for free "on demand". I deliberately won't bother checking out Ghosts (CBS) in its second season, because I'm not paying for a Paramount+ subscription to watch Ghosts first season, and I don't torrent on a whim anymore.