
MrUnnamedL t1_j82fkgv wrote

You might think life as a Death would be fun and cool, but you are highly mistaken. Being one of millions of Deaths around the world, is not all that it lives up to. It's what these humans call a 9 to 5 job. But instead of you sitting in an office all day at the computer you are constantly having to go out and retrieve dead humans souls. For the first couple thousands of years it seemed pretty cool being Death but after millions of years of just going around collecting souls it gets dull. Us Deaths, we go around collecting souls like homeless humans used to do collecting cans for a couple of cents. Surprisingly enough you would think that "Death" does not make money or needs money but you'd be surely mistaken. Ironically this job is soul sucking literally and figuratively. The only time I see my fellow Deaths happy is when there is a mass extinction or war happening on Earth. But are job is not only taking souls from dead humans, we can also help humans whether it be them dying or helping them live. Some people call us "Angels" watching over them, I guess it gives the humans some sort of comfort knowing that there is something watching over them. Well after world war 6 the humans began to disintegrate figuratively, they started to go off there on their own and stay away from other humans. It was like watching the caveman all over again. One soul sucking evening I got an alert on my device saying that North Korea has declared war on all countries, and they've already sent out 15 nuclear warheads overseas to Nuke all strong countries. If I could smile I would be smiling as hard as I can because I love when humans attack of the humans does that means a boost in paycheck. So I did what humans call skipping cheerfully all over the globe trying to get as many souls as I can. I found this group of around 10 humans and I was surprised to see them not fighting over food water or land. They were actually sharing food together and sharing stories. And in my non-existent heart I felt something to say not to kill these people but instead help them to survive. They were just so happy in the time of conflicts and sadness that it little spark in my non-existent heart and I decided to send them a herd of five pigs run over to them and be slaughtered for food. Running the distance I hear what sounds like battle cries of the homo sapiens of this Earth. So I turn around and I see a group of 20ish people wearing well looks to be rocks and metal as sort of armor while they're all holding pipes, wrenches ,big rocks and really just junk. When I turn back to the 10 humans they all look scared and they started to pack up their things very quickly and ran. So I fold them and I gave them a little bit of a stamina boost since it's above my pay grade to give them anything else. They run for about a mile reaching a shore, and for some reason I decided to send them a boat with food, water, and gas so they can escape unharmed. Now you might be asking yourself if you're Death why not kill them and get more money? Well it's not as simple as killing all the humans and getting more money, because on the first day of the job they said do whatever you can to keep at least one human alive because if you don't and you fail you will also die, along with all of your coworkers your bosses and everyone you know and love. Even though that might be a reason to keep the teams alive before I remembered my boss saying that to me I honestly wanted to help them and I did and I feel proud knowing that at least some humans will survive either all Deaths will die with them or not. I'm not the best at speaking the humans languages but I can hold a conversation with one theoretically if they could see me but what really spoke out to me is when they were on the boat eating the food drinking the water putting the gas into the boat I could make out something that they were saying, they said "do you guys feel that presence? Like something is watching over us protecting us, helping us? And for the first time ever a human who despises death and fears death called me "Life". Suddenly I hear crackling so I look down at my hands and they're growing tissue, muscle, veins, blood, and skin. I thought this overwhelming sensation of fear, happiness, sadness and glee. My black robe started to deteriorate and human clothes started to appear. I fall down from 10 ft in the sky where I was watching over the humans and I fell on their boat while they all screamed and panicked I looked up and felt the same emotions. Emotions? What are these, I've never felt these before what's happening to me, is this truly whut dying is? My now existent heart is beating out of my chest as I'm afraid and shivering. They finally say something, saying "who are you and how did you get on this boat?" I look back up at them and said "I... Am... Life..."