
Mr_Fraunces t1_jadw6m3 wrote

Let me guess, you are coming up from Ft. Rucker to go to Ft. Indiantown Gap. There is a good Civil War Museum in Harrisburg. Pennsylvania's state capitol is one of the most beautiful in the country. The State Museum of Pennsylvania is also pretty nice.

The Cornwall Iron Furnace state historical site is nearby and it's pretty impressive. Hopewell Iron Furnace NHP is not too far. Valley Forge is a little but further but pretty good. Hawk Mountain. Historic Ephrata Cloister is pretty cool. Landis Valley Farm is great.

You're not too far from Lancaster for the Amish life.

Pennsylvania has some of the best rail trails in the country.


Mr_Fraunces t1_jadt9we wrote

>We always go for the Highland Games

We've probably crossed paths, my son used to be a competitive bagpiper. Idlewild is a great park if you have younger children. As you mentioned, it's on a human scale. It also has a European feel to it. I was surprised how much my children enjoyed the story book forest.


Mr_Fraunces t1_j91d3el wrote

I'm originally from SEPA, my parents retired to the Poconos and I got interested in the history of coal industry, the Molly Maguires, the labor movement, etc. Now I live in NWPA and got into the early oil industry history.

Warren reminds me of Jim Thorpe before it became a tourist destination. They have a similar look and architectural style to them. Jim Thorpe has the advantage of being within 2 hours of Philadelphia and NYC.

I like to rid rail trails and Oil Creek State Park/Drake Well have a great rail trail. Oil City and Franklin are connected by the Justus Trail which is very nice. Franklin has a decent downtown with some good restaurants.


Edited to add: Franklin has a really interesting and unique museum of mechanical musical instruments. Some of them are one of a kind and sought after by the Smithsonian.