
Mrpoedameron t1_jad0zrf wrote

Probably going to be a lot of sarcastic comments in this thread, but for anyone who has young children (ie the target audience, not edgy redditors) the first film actually went above and beyond to deliver an exciting film with a good message that's easily digestable for a very young audience. Compared to a lot of the low effort dross young children are subjected too, the first film was great so I'd recommend checking it out if you have kids aged 3 and up.


Mrpoedameron t1_jad0bcg wrote

First one was great! First film I took my eldest to see (she was 3 at the time) so I have very fond memories of it. For a film that's geared towards a very young audience, it was surprisingly entertaining for an adult and had a lot of heart. Don't get me wrong, I'm never going to stick it on for my own enjoyment but I wasn't bored to tears like I am with some very young kids geared films.